Helping a Student in Distress


Helping a Student in Distress 

If you’re working with a student on the Durham campus in need of mental health support, we encourage you to connect them with 政治行动委员会 by helping them visit or contact 政治行动委员会 (603.862.2090 – 24/7). 你也可以 contact the 教务长 if you believe the student is managing more significant or complicated mental health concerns including if: 

  • A student is hospitalized; 
  • A student discloses feeling suicidal; 
  • A student reports not being able to function (e.g. can’t get out of bed, can’t eat, can’t sleep); 
  • A student is entering an intensive mental health program ;
  • A student is managing financial, food, or housing insecurity;
  • The situation is complicated and you're not sure w在这里 to go.

你也可以 contact the University Police Department (UPD) if you believe you're dealing with a mental health emergency.

You can find additional resources for students on the Manchester campus 在这里 and the Law school campus 在这里

Strategies for Helping Someone in Distress 

Helping others is an important part of being in a community. 在UNH学习期间, someone may confide in you that they’re struggling, or you might believe someone is in distress. T在这里 are many ways to go about helping someone, and it is important that you do so in a way that feels comfortable and natural to you. Check out the tips below for some general advice on helping someone who is struggling. 

保持安全. Your safety is a priority. If helping someone puts you in danger or makes you feel anxious, notify a professional who can get involved instead. 

私下里说. Avoid confronting someone in a group of people. If you want to talk to someone about how they are doing, try to pull them aside or speak to them privately at a later time. 

Listen Non-judgmentally. Focus on taking in the information someone is sharing and affirming what they tell you. It likely isn’t your role to investigate or question the information. 

心存感激. Sharing a struggle with someone is a brave thing to do. If someone confides in you, thank them for trusting you. 

Focus on the Behavior. If you notice something concerning about someone, be specific about what you saw when you speak to them. Avoid making generalizations about them as a person. 

Consult Transparently. 保持 紧迫的资源 on your phone and consult when appropriate. 如果可能的话, let the student know you’re consulting and that you’re doing so because you care about them. 

请参考. You are not alone at UNH. 熟悉 校园资源 and encourage students to connect with them. 

跟进. 保持 things normal the next time you see the person. It’s good to ask how they’re doing and remind them that you’re 在这里 for them.


If you are asking yourself the question, “Should I call for help?” we encourage you to do so! 工作人员 at UNH are 在这里 to help and want you to take advantage of the 这里的资源. 在一般情况下, when a student is managing a mental health concern, the best step is to connect them with their treatment provider (or 政治行动委员会 if they don't have one). If you notice any of the following about a student, we encourage you to connect with a staff resource as soon as possible: 

  • You observe visible scars or cuts on a student’s skin 
  • A student talks about self-destructive behaviors (e.g. cutting, alcohol/drug abuse) 
  • A student talks about struggling to function (e.g. not getting out of bed, not going to appointments) 
  • A student talks about suicide or not wanting to live 
  • A student talks about financial distress (e.g. homelessness, no money to eat/buy supplies) 
  • A student is unable to manage emotions (e.g. outbursts, inconsolable crying) 
  • A student isolates themselves (e.g. not talking to family or friends) 
If you observe any of the following, contact UNH PD (603.862.1212) or law enforcement (911) immediately:
  • Aggressive or threatening behavior, including any physical altercation 
  • Possession of a weapon 
  • A student is disoriented, confused, or unconscious 
  • A student has a serious injury